Page contents:
Sources for information on the electronic journal subscriptions of the Israel university libraries | ||
ULE | Electronic journal subscriptions of MALMAD member libraries |
Additions, changes and deletions Additions, changes and deletions Old interface, no longer updated |
MALMAD | The Inter-University Center for Digital Information Services |
- e-journals - New services:
- July 2017
New HUfind includes ejournals, ebooks and link resolver from a central database.
Replaces functions that were available through the old SFX service.
- January 2014
EDS discovery tool added to HUfind interface- The new discovery tool allows a combined search of the Library Catalog (books, theses) and Articles & More (databases)
e-journals - New subscriptions: |
2019 News Expand all years |
MSP Package (4 additional ejournals)
American Mathematical Society (AMS) translation journals
MSP Package
European Mathematical Society publishing House
International Press Subscription to Geometry, topology, analysis and theoretical physics and Pure mathematics packages Added ejournals:
American Mathematical society has announced publication of two new open access journals:
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Taylor & Francis Science & Technology Library (Rashut/JSL/AGR sub.) Includes access to several former JMC subscriptions: Examples (Mathematics):
International Press
(June 2012) Current developments in mathematics (CDM) Surveys in differential geometry (SDG) International Press (March 2012) Communications in number theory and physics The journal of symplectic geometry Pure and applied mathematics quarterly Duke University Press / Project Euclid - Journals (Jan. 2012) Duke mathematical journal Online subscription expanded to include DMJ 100 archive. Access available as of v.1 (1935) |
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM):
(Oct. 2011) Locus (archive, 1953 to 1996) Project Euclid (Sept. 2011) Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (Aug. 2011) Acta arithmetica (Warszawa) EMS Publishing House (July 2011) Journal of spectral theory (JST) Quantum topology (QT) World Scientific (July 2011) International game theory review International journal of number theory Journal of topology and analysis Université de Geneve, Section de Mathématiques L'Enseignement Mathématique / International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) Access by subscription as of v.51 (2005). (Open access archive through Seals: Swiss electronic academic library service) (March 2011) |
CEDRAM Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (Open access - Current year by subscription) (Aug. 2010) Mathematical Association of America American Mathematical Monthly Access through Ingenta is for the current year only. Access to the previous years isn't available to libraries yet. (June 2010) JSTOR access to include current volumes (by subscription) as of Jan. 2011. (Oct. 2010) Wiley-Blackwell collections HUJI subscription includes full access (current and archive) to the following Wiley-Blackwell collections:
Springer Online Journal Archives HUJI subscription expanded to include archives (Dec. 2009) |
American Mathematical Society New online version: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (Sept. 2009) | |
Cambridge University Press Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Access as of vol.1 (1883). "Online access to all the research in the Proceedings is free to everybody 10 years after publication." | |
WorldSciNet (World Scientific) Journal of hyperbolic differential equations
| |
ProQuest Central
(New Database) The individual Proquest database subscriptions (ABI/INFORM ; Proquest Research Library ; Dissertations & Theses) will be replaced by a subscription to ProQuest Central | |
Academic OneFile (Gale)
(New Database) As of January 2009, HUJI subscribes to Gale Academic OneFile instead of Gale General OneFile. More info | |
Mathematical Sciences Publishers
Math Package (e-only): Includes all MSP owned mathematics journals | |
Oxford University Press Journal of topology. See announcement and additional information in 2007 news |
Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing:
Elsevier ScienceDirect archive HUJI subscription expanded to include the following collections: More information: Backfiles on ScienceDirect (July 2008) |
Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing:
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences: (Jan. 2008) Blackwell Synergy:
The Australian Mathematical Society:
European Mathematical Society Publishing
(Jan. 2007)
International Press + Project Euclid
Oxford University Press: The London Mathematical Society has announced the publication of a new journal: Journal of Topology Journal of Topology is an alternative to Elsevier's Topology: All the editors of Topology resigned, in protest over the pricing policies of the publisher Elsevier. They started a new periodical called "Journal of Topology", to be published in 2008 by the London Mathematical Society (printed and distributed by Oxford University Press). More information: Announcing the launch of the Journal of Topology / LMS Publications (Jan. 2007) Oxford University Press: Oxford science, medicine and social sciences archives (HUJI subscription) (Nov. 2006) SpringerLink Springer and Hebrew University to collaborate on mathematics journals Partnership will enable electronic access through SpringerLink
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Oct. 2006) |
SpringerLink As of 2006, some Springer ejournals are available by JMC subscription (not MALMAD agreement):
Hermes/Lavoisier (Sept. 2006) SpringerLink
MIT Press - New access (June 23rd, 2006) American Mathematical Society (AMS)
International Press + Project Euclid
World Scientific Formerly published by Springer Hong-Kong (Feb. 2006) ![]() More info
New Package: Cambridge Journals Online (Jan. 2006) |
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM):
ACM Digital Library More info (April 2005) Annales des sciences mathematiques du Quebec (March 2005) Association for Symbolic Logic (through Project Euclid)
Taylor & Francis/MetaPress
Australian Mathematical Society (Feb. 2005) European Mathematical Society Publishing House
Cambridge Journals Online (Jan. 2005) Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics: Journals and Serials
American Institute of Mathematical
International Press (Dec. 2nd, 2004) World Scientific (Nov. 9th, 2004) Scandinavian journals
American Mathematical Society (AMS) (April 28th, 2004) |
Ingenta Select
Cambridge Journals
(Nov. 19th, 2002)
Societe Mathematique de France (Feb. 20th, 2002) Walter de Gruyter - Online Journals (Jan. 10th, 2002) CatchWord
e-journals - Access and platform changes |
2019 |
Canadian Journal of Mathematics
(transfer to CUP as of 2019) Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (transfer to CUP as of 2019) Annals of mathematics (transfer to JSTOR as of 2019) |
2018 |
American mathematical monthly (MAA) (Transfer to T&F as of 2018) |
2017 |
Open access as of 2017
London Mathematical Society journals transfer from OUP to Wiley
2016 |
Nagoya mathematical journal Transfering from Duke UP to CUP as of 2016 |
2015 |
Comptes rendus mathématiques de l'Académie des sciences =
Mathematical reports of the Academy of Science
(Royal Society of Canada) New electronic version as of 2015 |
Société mathématique de France
Mathematical gazette To be published by Cambridge University Press, with current online access Mathematical proceeding of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Exchange cancelled by publisher. New e-only subscription Mathematical proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Moving to JSTOR as of 2015 International Press leaving additional Euclid access |
Société mathématique de France
Annales Mathématiques du Québec / Association Mathématique du Québec Transfer to Springer with name change. Formerly: Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec L'Enseignement Mathématique transfer to European Mathematical Society Publishing House Association for Symbolic Logic journals will be published by Cambridge University Press as of 2014 |
Annales Mathématiques du Québec
Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec
transfer to
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova transfer to European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 5 years moving wall VersitaOpen platform transfered to de Gruyter |
De Gruyter Online:
New platform for Walter de Gruyter online journals
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana will be published by the European Mathematical Society as of 2011/2 (July 2011) |
Mathematical Association of America moving to JSTOR's
Current Scholarship Program (CSP) Current access transfered from Ingenta. Including: American mathematical monthly (MAA) Introducing Taylor & Francis Online : The new online platform from Taylor & Francis The Fibonacci quarterly Access now by IP recognition (instead of requiring a username and password) (Feb. 2011) Mathematika (Cambridge University Press) access to digital archive included in subscription as of 2011 A.K. Peters moving to informaWorld Transfered from MetaPress to informaWorld (Taylor & Francis) Including: Experimental mathematics |
Mathematical proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
transfered to Royal Irish Academy/MetaPress
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences transfered to European Mathematical Society Publishing House LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics & Mathematika transfered to Cambridge University Press Several publishers have announced new versions of their web sites:
The electronic version of the IBM Journal of Research and Development will be published as of 2010 exclusively as an Add-On to the IEEE Xplore (not included in IEL package). JMC doesn't plan to subscribe. |
Cambridge University Press/Australian Mathematical
Society Online access to all the research in these journals is free to everybody five years after publication. Access to articles from the most recent five years is provided with a current subscription. Cognitive Science published by Wiley-Blackwell as of 2009 |
New platform for Walter de Gruyter online journals Walter de Gruyter online journals, including the imprints K.G. Saur and Max Niemeyer, are now available through a new platform called Reference Global, accessible at
Access through Atypon will continue to be available through June 2008,
but will cease after the end of June. Blackwell Synergy Journals Moving to Wiley InterScience As of July 1, 2008, all Blackwell journal content and all Wiley online content will be hosted on Wiley InterScience. More information from Wiley: Online content transition news (Jan. 2008) Journal of Geometric Analysis Published by Mathematica Josephina ; currently distributed by the AMS. Transfer to SpringerLink as of 2008 (Sept. 2007) The Australian Mathematical Society The following journals will be published by Cambridge University Press as of 2008:
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré ; Probabilités et Statistiques (Institute of Mathematical Statistics/Project Euclid) More information: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (Association des Publications de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (APIHP) Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics (Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) supported journal as of 2008). Transfer from Elsevier: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics (Aug. 2007) Institute of Physics (IOP) ![]()
Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure, published by Elsevier, will be published and distributed by the "Société Mathématique de France" as of 2008 More information: Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure - Presentation (June 2007) Lawrence Erlbaum Taylor and Francis have announced their acquisition of Lawrence Erlbaum Associates in November 2006. During 2007 the Lawrence Erlbaum journals will continue to be available via LEA Online. The newly acquired journals will be available via informaworld(TM) starting in January 2008. |
Walter de Gruyter As of 2007 online access to the De Gruyter titles is available through Atypon Link (Feb. 27th, 2007) Oxford Journals have announced the purchase of four mathematics journals from Hindawi Publishing Corporation: International Mathematics Research Notices; International Mathematics Research Papers; Applied Mathematics Research Express; and International Mathematics Research Surveys. The titles immediately join the Oxford Journals mathematics list. Access to the full archive of the IMRN dating back to 1991 will be available online. Oxford Journals to publish four new mathematics titles in 2007 (Feb. 2007) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Sect. A: Mathematics Transfer from Ingenta to Cambridge as of 2007. Digital archive available to all subscribers, back to 1997! (Dec. 2006) Taylor & Francis Online Journals Most Taylor & Francis Group journals are available online via informaworld. The site is currently in beta testing, but will be the main portal for all Taylor & Francis Group journals from January 2007. Availability via Metapress and Ingenta will be phased out. (Dec. 2006) Hindawi IMRN available as an individual "Print + Online" subscription as of 2007 (Bundle subscription and "Online only" no longer available). (Dec. 2006) The London Mathematical Society Electronic Archive The London Mathematical Society journals will be published by Oxford University Press from January 2007. Electronic archive dating back to 1865! From January 2007, subscribers with a current print plus online or online-only subscription to the three LMS journals will have access to the complete electronic archive of papers, dating back as far as 1865. In addition to the existing electronic volumes, dating back to 1998 and containing about 40,000 pages in total, a further 180,000 pages of historic, high-quality research will be available. (July 2006) |
MIT Press Journals / MIT Press:
As of April 2006, MIT Press journals are no longer available via
Ingenta. Content will not be available through MIT until April 1. Until April 1 and through April 30, all MIT Press Journals' content will be available on IngentaConnect's platform. (March 2006) Springer-Verlag Third Party Content Hosting: Access to subscribed journals only as of 2006. (Jan. 2006) Institut Mittag-Leffler and Springer announce partnership in publishing mathematics journals (July 5, 2005) |
is the new site that replaces and IngentaSelect. Transfering as of 2005:
Oxford Journals, a Division of Oxford University Press (OUP) announced that it had signed an agreement for Stanford University's HighWire Press to host its entire journals collection, beginning January 2005. More info. (18 August 2004) KluwerOnline Journals Migrate to SpringerLink Due to the recent merger of Springer-Verlag with Kluwer Academic Publishers all journals hosted by KluwerOnline will be available only at SpringerLink beginning sometime in January 2005. more info: Springer-Verlag and Kluwer Academic Publishers operate under the Springer brand (July 1st, 2004) |
With the acquisition of Harcourt by Elsevier Science
(May 2002), IDEAL articles back
to 1993 from 205 prestigious
Academic Press
journals, as well as titles from Mosby, Churchill Livingstone and
W.B. Saunders, are now available on ScienceDirect. (May 30th, 2002) |
- e-journals - Access problems:
- Open access suspended to Springer-Verlag book series:
No MALMAD subscription.
Examples:(Jan. 2006)
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
Access re-instated to Lecture Notes in Mathematics, based on the library's print subscription.
(June 2006)
- EMIS Weizmann mirror site: The EMIS Weizmann mirror site server is no longer available. Access is available from the Berlin master server and a long list of EMIS Mirror Sites. (May 30th, 2002)
- Mathematical Proceeding of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Cambridge Journals Online)
Access isn't included in the exchange agreement.
(Sept. 26th, 2001)
Related news |
- Wiley Roaming Password Access
- Beginning January 1, 2002, It is possible for individual users to obtain a 90 day password which can be used when they are outside the institutional domain (for example, while abroad).
For instructions see: Electronic Journals: Providers: Wiley InterScience
(July 21st, 2002)
Please note : Access to all library services is also available using HUJI's VPN service.