Jerusalem Mathematics Colloquium

Thursdays, 4:00 pm
Mathematics Bldg., lecture hall 2

2000-01, à"ñùú

2nd November 2000: Yael Karshon (Jerusalem), "Hamiltonian Group Actions"

9th November 2000: Ofer Zeitouni (Technion), "Frequent points and covering times: On conjectures of Erdos-Taylor and of Kesten-Revesz"

16th November 2000: Shlomo Gelaki (Technion), LEVITZKI PRIZE LECTURE "New Results in the Theory of Hopf algebras"

23th November 2000: David Preiss (London), "Deformations with finitely many gradients"

30th November 2000: Milkos Laczkovich (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), "The difference property"

7th December 2000: Shmuel Weinberger (Jerusalem/Chicago), ZABRODSKY LECTURE "Computations and Riemannian Moduli"

14th December 2000: Peter Shalen (UIC), "Surfaces with knot exteriors, and 3-manifolds with cyclic fundamental group"

21st December 2000: Michael Entov (Weizmann) "Symplectic topology and geometry of conjugacy classes in Lie groups"

28th December 2000: Barry Simon (CIT) "Singular continuous spectrum for one-dimensional Schrodinger operators"

3th January 2001: David Kazhdan (Harvard) "Categorization in Representation Theory"

4th January 2001: Dennis Sullivan, LANDAU LECTURE "String Topology"

11th January 2001: Joel Spencer (NYU), ERDOS MEMORIAL LECTURE "The Probabilistic Method"

18th January 2001: Dmitri Ioffe (Technion) "Decay of correlations in sub-critical ferromagnetic models"

25th January 2001: Zlil Sela (Jerusalem) "Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group"

1st February 2001: Amnon Besser (Ben Gurion University) "Mahler measures: complex and p-adic"


8th March 2001: øúñà úéðòú Purim

15th March 2001: Tim Gowers (Cambridge) "Some mathematics related to Szemeredi's theorem"

22nd March 2001: Marshall Cohen (Cornell) "Car Crashes, Group Extensions and s-Cobordisms"

2nd April 2001: Andrew Casson (Yale) "Yet another formulation of the Andrews-Curtis and Poincare Conjectures"

5th April 2001: Pesach break

12th April 2001: Chol HaMoed Pesach

19th April 2001: Yom HaZikaron l'Shoah

26th April 2001: Yom Ha'atzmaut

3rd May 2001: None

10th May 2001: Thang Le (SUNY, Buffalo) "On the colored Jones polynomial"

17th May 2001: Vladimir Arnold (Steklov Institute / Universite Paris-Dauphine) "Wave propagation theory, Legendrian knots and contact topology"

24th May 2001: None

31st May 2001: Michael Larsen (Indiana) "Density of braid group representations"

7th June 2001: Roger Temam (Paris) "Mathematical problems in meteorology and oceanography"

14th June 2001: Dov Aharonov (Technion) "Minimal area problems with side conditions"

21st June 2001: Gil Kalai (Hebrew University) "Social choice and threshold phenomena: bad news and good news"

Organisers: Raz Kupferman and Ruth Lawrence,
List of talks, 2000-01
List of talks, 1998-99
List of talks, 1997-98