Jerusalem Mathematics Colloquium

1998-99, Second semester

25 March 1999: Nikolai Vavilov: "Linear groups over general rings"

1 and 8 April 1999: Happy Passover!

15 April 1999 (Erdos Lecture): Johan Hastad "Optimal inapproximablility results for some NP-hard optimization"

22 April 1999: Leonid Polterovich "Symplectic rigidity in Ergodic Theory"

29 April 1999: Shlomo Sternberg: "Introduction to the Kostant cubic Dirac operator"

6 May 1999: Laszlo Lovasz "Planar and linkless embeddings of graphs, and linear algebra"

13 May 1999: Yahuda Shalom "Arithmetic groups"

20 May 1999: Happy Shavu'ot!

27 May 1999: Janos Pach "Ramsey-type questions in geometric setting"

3 June 1999: Isabella Novik "Upper Bound Theorems for simplicial manifolds"

10 June 1999: Yiftach Barnea "Representations of Free Pro- p Groups"

17 June 1999: Gopal Prasad "The congruence subgroup problem: Computation of the metaplectic kernel"

24 June 1999: Efim Zelmanov "On some algebraic structures of conformal field theory."

1 July 1999: Zeev Schus "Where is the exit point?"

1998-99, First semester

29 October 1998: Genadi Levin, "Non-linear one-dimensional dynamics."

5 November 1998: Boris Slomyak, "60 years of Benoulli convolution"

12 November 1998: Michael Farber, "Morse function for Harmonic forms

19 November 1998: Alex Lubotsky, " Super-rigid non- arithmetic group; A counter example to Platonov conjecture."

26 November 1998: Claude Schochet, " Title: "A Case Study in Non-Commutative Topology"

3 December 1998: Dror Bar-Natan, "Stonehenge-inspired chopstick towers, knots, and Lie algebras"

10 December 1998: Domokos Sz'asz, "Hard Ball Systems Are Completely Hyperbolic."

17 December 1998: Alex Eskin, "Billiard balls, Riemann surfaces and number theory

24 December 1998: Bestvina, "Zabrodsky Lecture Series: Curvature and Groups"

31 December 1998: Alexander Chorin, "New Prospectives in Turbulance."

7 January 1999: Alain Connes, " Non-commutative Geometry"

14 January 1999: Richard Stanley, "An Erdos Lecture: Combinatorics and Algebra"

21 January 1999: Jonathan Beck, "Quantum groups, quivers and represetations"

28 January 1999: Sylvain Sorin, "An operator approach to zero sum repeated games"

4 February 1999: Joram Lindenstrauss, "Recent results on the structure of infinite dimensional Banach space theory (after Gowers)."

11 February 1999: Avinoam Mann, "How many finite groups are there?"