List of
- Communication in Repeated Games with Costly Monitoring
with Michael Kahneman
Games and Economic Behavior 44, 2003, 227-250.
[Abstract] [Paper]
- Cheap Talk in Games with Incomplete Information
Journal of Economic Theory 108, 2003, 45-71 [Abstract] [Paper]
- Correlation Without Mediation: Expanding the Set of Equilibria Outcomes by ‘Cheap’ Pre-Play Procedures
Journal of Economic Theory 80, 1998, 108-122 [Abstract]
- On the Measurement of Inequality under Uncertainty
with Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler Journal of Economic Theory 75, 1997, 194-204 [Abstract]
- Rationality, Nash Equilibrium and Backward Induction in Perfect Information Games
Review of Economic Studies 64, 1997, 23-46 [Abstract]
- Communication in Repeated Games with Partial Monitoring
with M. Kahneman Journal of Economic Theory 70, 1996, 281-297 [Abstract]
- Linear Measures, the Gini Index and the Income-Equality Tradeoff
with I. Gilboa Journal of Economic Theory 64, 1994, 443-467 [Abstract]
- On the Relationship Between Mutation Rates and Growth Rates in a Changing Environment
with with E. Dekel and A. Rustichinni Games and Economic Behavior 5, 1993, 576-603 [Abstract]
- Repeated Games with Finite Automata
Journal of Economic Theory 59, 1993, 17-32 [Abstract]
- Signaling Future Actions and the Potential for Sacrifice
with E. Dekel Journal of Economic Theory 57, 1992, 36-51 [Abstract]
- The Complexity of Computing a Best Response Automaton in Repeated Games with Mixed Strategies
Games and Economic Behavior 2 (1), March 1990, 1-12 [Abstract]
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Elchanan Ben-Porath