Hurwitz, A., O. Sade and E. Winter "Unintended Consequences of Minimum Annuity Laws: An Experimental Study" Forthcoming Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization..
Heller, Y. and E. Winter "Biased Belief Equilibrium" forthcoming in American Economic Journal Microeconomics.
Kremer, I., Z. Wiener and E. Winter "Flow Auctions" (2017) in the International Journal of Game Theory 46, Issue 3, pp 655–665.
Klor. E. and E. Winter "On Public Opinion Polls and Voters' Turnout" (2018)
Journal of Public Economic Theory 20 (2) pp 239-256
Heller, Y. and E. Winter (2016) "Rule Rationality" International Economic Review 57(3), 997-1026
Shen, Q, T. Meijun, E. Winter, Einav Hart, Soo Hong Chew and Richard P.
Ebstein(2016)"To Cheat or Not to Cheat:
Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 SNP Variants Contribute to Dishonest Behavior" Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 10, 82.
S. Goerg, H. Hennig-Schmidt, G. Walkowitz and E. Winter (2016) "In wrong
anticipation - Mis-calibrated beliefs between Germans, Israelis, and
Palestinians" Plos One. 11(6)
Gershkov A. and E. Winter (2016) "Formal vs. Informal Monitoring in
Teams" in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Vol
7(2), 27-44.
Israel, S., Hart, E., & Winter, E. (2014). Oxytocin Decreases
Accuracy in the Perception of Social Deception. Psychological Science, 25,
van Damme; Kenneth G. Binmore, Alvin E. Roth, Larry Samuelson; Eyal
Winter; Gary E. Bolton, Axel Ockenfels; Martin Dufwenberg, Georg
Kirchsteiger; Uri Gneezy; Martin G. Kocher, Matthias Sutter; Alan G.
Sanfey; Hartmut Kliemt; Reinhard Selten, Rosemarie Nagel; Ofer H. Azar
(2014) "How Werner Güth's ultimatum game shaped our understanding of
social behavior" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 108 pp.
Goerg, S., E. Klor, E. Winter and R. Zultan (2014) "Can Higher Rewards
Lead to Less Effort? Incentive Reversal in Teams,"The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization., 97:72-83.
Alvarez- Mozos, M. Z. Hellman and E. Winter "Spectrum Value" (2013)
forthcoming Game and Economic Behavior 82 pp. 132 - 142
12. Babaioff, M., M. Feldman, N. Nisan and E. Winter (2012) "Combinatorial
Agency", Journal of Economic Theory 147, 999-1034.
Berenstein, S. and E. Winter (2012) "Multi Agent Contracting with
Heterogeneous Externalities" American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 4(2), 50-76.
Reny, P., E. Winter and M. Wooders (2012) "The Partnered core of a Game
with Side Payments" Social Choice and Welfare Volume 39
issues 2-3, 521-536.
Meshulam, M., E. Winter, G. Ben Shahar and Y. Aharaon (2012) "Rational
Emotions in the Lab" Social Neuroscience Volume 7, Issue 1,
pages 11-17.
Winter, E. (2010) "Transparency among Peers and Incentives." Rand Journal of Economics 41 504-523.
Bornhorst, F., A. Ichino, O. Kirchkamp, K. Schlag, and E. Winter,
(2010) "Similarities and Differences when Building Trust: The Role of
Culture" Experimental Economics 260-283.
Kagel, J., H. Sung and E. Winter, (2010) "Veto Power in Committees: An
Experimental Study Experimental Economics 13(2) 167-188.
Polanski, A. and E. Winter (2010) "Two Sided Markets with Repeated
Transactions." in The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Advances tier 10
(1) Article 1.
J. Bracht, F Koessler, E. Winter and A. Ziegelmeier (2010) "Fragility
of Information Cascades: An Experimental Study using Elicited Beliefs Experimental Economic 13(2) 121-145.
Bag, P. H. Sabourian and E. Winter (2009) "Multi-Stage Voting,
Sequential Elimination and Condorcet Consistency the Journal of Economic Theory 144(3) 1278-1299.
Winter, E. (2009) "Incentive Reversal." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 1(2) 133-147.
Gould, E. and E. Winter (2009) "Interactions Between Workers and the
Technology of Production: Evidence from Professional Baseball Review of Economics and Statistics. Vol. 91, No. 1, Pages
Klor, E. and E. Winter (2007) "The Welfare Effects of Public Opinion
Polls." International Journal of Game Theory. 35 (3)
Seidmann, D., E. Winter, and Elan Pavlov (2007) "The Role of Formateur
in Coalition Formation." Economic Theory 31 (3): 427-445.
Winter, E., (2006) "Optimal Incentives for Sequential Production
Processes." Rand Journal of Economics. 37 (2): 376-390.
Winter, E and S. Zamir (2005) "An Experiment with Ultimatum Bargaining
in a Changing Environment" The Japanese Economic Review 56
(3): 363-385.
Winter, E. (2004) "Incentives and Discrimination American Economic Review. 94, 3 764-773.
Kittsteiner, T., J. Nikutta and E. Winter, (2004) "Declining Valuations
in Sequential Auctions." International Journal of Game Theory. 33 (1): 89-106.
O'Neill, B., D. Samet, Z. Wiener and E. Winter (2004), "Bargaining with
an Agenda," Games and Economic Behavior 48, 139-153.
Mutuswami, S. and E. Winter (2004), "Efficient Mechanisms for Multiple
Public Goods," Journal of Public Economics 88, 629-644.
Mutuswami, S. and E. Winter (2002), "Subscription Mechanisms for
Network Formation," Journal of Economic Theory 106,
Milchtaich, I. and E. Winter (2002), "Stability and Segregation in
Group Formation," Games and Economic Behavior 38, 318-346.
Rapoport, A., D. Seale and E. Winter (2002), "Coordination and Learning
Behavior in Large Groups with Asymmetric Players," Games and Economic Behavior 39,111-136.
Volij, O. and E. Winter (2002), "On Risk Aversion and Bargaining
Outcomes," Games and Economic Behavior 41,120-140.
Dagan, N., O. Volij and E. Winter (2002), "A New Axiomatization of the
Nash Bargaining Solution," Social Choice and Welfare 19,
Peleg, B. and E. Winter (2002), "Constitutional Implementation," Review of Economic Design 7,187-204.
Okada, A. and E. Winter (2002), "A Non-Cooperative Axiomatization of
the Core," Theory and Decision 53, 1-28.
Rapoport, A., D. Seale and E. Winter (2000), "An Experimental Study of
Coordination and Learning in Two-Market Entry Games," Economic Theory 16, 661-687.
Bag, P. K. and E. Winter (1999), "Simple Subscription Mechanisms for
the Production of Public Goods," Journal of Economic Theory87, 72-97.
Seidmann, D. J. and E. Winter (1998), "Exploring Gains from Trade in
Multilateral Bargaining: A Theory of Gradual Coalition Formation," Review of Economic Studies 65, 793-815.
Winter, E. (1997), "Negotiations in Multi-Issue Committees," Journal of Public Economics 65, 323-342.
Seidmann, D. J. and E. Winter (1997), "Strategic Information
Transmission with Verifiable Messages," Econometrica 65,
Balkenborg, D. and E. Winter (1997), "Necessary and Sufficient
Epistemic Conditions for Playing Backward Induction," Journal of Mathematical Economics 27, 325-345.
Winter, E. (1996), "Voting and Vetoing," American Political Science Review 90, 813-823.
Bornstein G., E. Winter and H. Goren (1996), "An Experimental Study of
Repeated Team Games," European Journal of Political Economy
12, 629-639.
Calvo, E., J. Lasaga and E. Winter (1996), "On the Principle of
Balanced Contributions," Mathematical Social Sciences 31,
Winter, E. (1996), "Mechanism Robustness in Multilateral Bargaining," Theory and Decision 40, 131-147.
Deb, R. S. Weber and E. Winter (1996), "The Extension of Nakamura's
Theorem to Coalition Structures," International Journal of Game Theory 25, 189-199.
Moldovanu, B. and E. Winter (1995), "Order Independent Equilibria," Games and Economic Behavior 9, 21-34.
Winter, E. (1994), "Non-Cooperative Bargaining in Natural Monopolies," Journal of Economic Theory 64, 202-220.
Winter, E. (1994), "The Demand Commitment Bargaining and Snowballing
Cooperation," Economic Theory 4, 255-273.
Selten, R. and E. Winter (1994), "An Axiomatic Approach to Consumers'
Welfare," Mathematical Social Sciences 27, 19-30 (also
appears in
Game Theory and Economic Behavior, Selected Essays by Reinhard Selten
, Edward Elgar, 1999).
Moldovanu, B. and E. Winter (1994), "Increasing Returns to Cooperation
and Core Implementation," Journal of Mathematical Economics
23, 533-548.
Winter, E. and M. Wooders (1994), "An Axiomatization of the Core in
Finite and Infinite Games," Social Choice and Welfare 11,
Owen, G. and E. Winter (1992), "The Multilinear Extension and the
Coalition Value," Games and Economic Behavior 4, 582-587.
Winter, E. (1992), "On Bargaining Position Description: Symmetry versus
Asymmetry," International Journal of Game Theory 21,
Winter, E. (1991), "A Solution for Non-Transferable Utility Games with
Coalition Structure," International Journal of Game Theory
20, 53-63.
Winter, E. (1992), "The Consistency and the Potential for Values of
Games with Coalition Structure," Games and Economic Behavior 4, 132-144.
van Damme, E., R. Selten and E. Winter (1990), "Alternating Bargaining
with Smallest Money Unit," Games and Economic Behavior 2,
Winter, E. (1989), "A Value for Games with Level Structures," International Journal of Game Theory 18, 227-242.
Chapters in Books (refereed)
Babaioff, M. and E. Winter "Contract Complexity"
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (ACM-EC 2014), June 2014.
Ponti, G. D. Lopez Pintado and E. Winter "Inequality or Strategic
Uncertainty? An Experimental Study on Incentives and Hierarchy
Games, Rationality and Behavior: Essays on Behavioral Game Theory
and Experiments
eds. Alessandro Innocenti and Patrizia Sbriglia. Palgrave Macmillan,
Winter, E., "The Shapley Value," in The Handbook of Game Theory, eds. R. J. Aumann and S. Hart,
North-Holland (2002) 2026-2052.
Winter, E., "Endogenous Agenda in Committees," in
Understanding Strategic Interaction - Essays in Honor of Reinhard
, eds. Wulf Albers, Eric van Damme, Werner Gueth, Peter Hammerstein, and
Benny Moldovanu. Springer-Verlag (1997), 217-227.
Bornstein, G., E. Winter and H. Goren, "Cooperation in Inter-group and
Single-group Prisoner's Dilemma Games, " in
Understanding Strategic Interaction - Essays in Honor of Reinhard
, eds. Wulf Albers, Eric van Damme, Werner Gueth, Peter Hammerstein and
Benny Moldovanu. Springer-Verlag (1997), 418-429.
Moldovanu, B. and E. Winter, "Consistent Demands for Coalition
Formation in Games," in Essays in Game Theory in Honor of Michael Maschler, ed.
Nimrod Megiddo.Springer-Verlag(1994), 129-140.
Books Edited
Game Theory and Politics, eds. I. Gracia-Jurado, F. Valenciano
and E. Winter Annals of Operations Research (1998), Baltzer
Science Publishers.
Working Papers
Sorokin, C. and E. Winter "Informational Effects in Conflict Escalation." Revise and Resubmit: Games and Economic Behavior. Guttel, E., Y. Procaccia and E. Winter "Shared Liability and Excessive Care."
Sorokin, C. "Information Design in Classic Auctions."
Harel A. and E. Winter "Externalities among Criminals."