Jerusalem Mathematics Colloquium

Thursdays, 4:00 pm
Mathematics Building, Lecture Hall 2

2007-08, תשס"ח

25th October 2007: Alex Lubotzky (Hebrew University), "Short presentations of finite simple groups"

1st November 2007: Uri Bader (Technion), "Boundary Theory for Groups"

8th November 2007: Sefi Ladkani (Hebrew University), "Posets, sheaves and their derived representations"

15th November 2007: Paer Kurlberg (KTH, Stockholm), "Number theory related to quantum chaos"

22nd November 2007: ZABRODSKY LECTURE Andrey Todorov (UC Santa Cruz), "Discriminants and regularized determinants on the moduli space of CY manifolds"

29th November 2007: Tamar Ziegler (Technion), "Polynomial progressions in primes"

6th December 2007: Sergey Yuzvinsky (University of Oregon), "Special fibers of pencils of hypersurfaces and topology of hyperplane arrangement complements"

13th December 2007: Alex Furman (University of Illinois at Chiacgo), "A noncommutative ergodic theorem for locally compact groups"

20th December 2007: LANDAU LECTURE Percy Deift (NYU), "Universality for mathematical and physical systems"

27th December 2007: Amos Nevo (Technion), "Prime matrices, lattice points and ergodic theorems"

3th January 2008: Dorian Goldfeld (Columbia), "Multiple Dirichlet series"

10th January 2008: Jake Solomon (Princeton), "Open Gromov-Witten Theory and the structure of real enumerative geometry"

17th January 2008: Ross Pinsky (Technion), "Increasing subsequences in random permutations"

24th January 2008: Eli Glasner (TAU), "Universal minimal dynamical systems and Ramsey theory"


7th February 2008: Boaz Tsaban (Bar-Ilan), "Mathematical Selection Principles: past, present, future"

14th February 2008: Dan Romik (HU), "The directed random walk on the permutahedron"

21st February 2008: Oren Ben-Bassat (HU), "Derived equivalence in families"

28th February 2008: Rom Pinchasi (Technion), "Plane geometry - a classical point of view"

6th March 2008: Gady Kozma (Weizmann), "One cannot hear the winding number"

13th March 2008: Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour (HU), "Moment Maps"

20th March 2008: Taanit Esther

27th March 2008: Matthias Kreck (Bonn), "Codes, 3-manifolds and arithmetic"

3rd April 2008: Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research), "Universally Optimal Distribution of Points on Spheres"

10th April 2008: Nir Avni (HU), "Counting via Motivic Integration"

17th April 2008: PESACH BREAK

24th April 2008: PESACH

1st May 2008: Yossi Shamai, "Spatial correlations and variance reduction in Brownian simulations"

8th May 2008: Yom HaAtzmaut


15th May 2008: Aner Shalev (HU), "A proof of Ore's Conjecture"

22nd May 2008: Itai Horev, "From Navier-Stokes to the biharmonic equation in planar irregular domains"

29th May 2007: IMU Annual Meeting

5th June 2008: Michael Demuth (TU Clausthal, Germany), "Determining Spectra by Integral Conditions"

12th June 2008: Yaron Ostrover (MIT), "Algebraic properties of the quantum homology"

19th June 2008: Guy Kindler (Weizmann), "Can cubic tiles be sphere-like?"

26th June 2008: Louis Nirenberg (Courant Institute), "Some remarks on non-linear elliptic partial differential equations"

3rd July 2008: Ethan Bloch (Bard College), "Curvature of Polyhedra"

10th July 2008: Barak Weiss (Ben Gurion University), "Lattice surfaces, the Veech dichotomy and generalizations"

17th July 2008: Noam Berger (HU), "Motion in random media"

24th July 2008: Zeev Dvir (Weizmann), "The finite field Kakeya conjecture"

31st July 2008: Peter S. Ozsvath (Columbia University), "Heegaard Floer homology"

Organiser: Tsachik Gelander Colloquium webpage organiser: Ruth Lawrence-Naimark
List of talks, 2007-08
Archive of lists of talks