3rd November 2005: Yakov Varshavsky (HU) , "Lefschetz trace formula and Deligne's conjecture"
10th November 2005: Uli Wagner (HU) , "Halving point sets, crossing numbers of graphs and the Upper Bound Theorem for convex polytopes"
17th November 2005: Benjamin Weiss (HU), "The isomorphism problem in ergodic theory -- revisited"
24th November 2005: Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann (Santa Barbara), ZABRODSKY LECTURE "Geometric aspects of the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras:Overview"
1st December 2005: Nadya Gurevich (BGU), "Multiplicities of Cuspidal Representations"
8th December 2005: Dorit Aharonov (HU CS), "The Jones polynomial and Quantum Computation"
15th December 2005: Daniel Biss (Chicago) , "K_g is not finitely generated"
22nd December 2005: Yuval Peres (Berkeley), "Point processes, the stable marriage algorithm and Gaussian power series"
29th December 2005: (Channukah/5) Assaf Naor (Microsoft Research), "Bi-Lipschitz and coarse invariants"
5th January 2006: Alexandre Eremenko (Purdue), "Polya's conjecture on zeros of successive derivatives of real entire functions" Cancelled due to illness
12th January 2006: David Lehavi (Princeton), "A_6 is of general type"
19th January 2006: Yisrael Aumann (HU), 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics "The 2005 Economics Nobel Prize: A Mathematical View"
26th January 2006: Ehud Hrushovski (HU), "When does a linear differential equation have algebraic solutions?"
2nd February 2006: Lucien Szpiro (Columbia/Orsay), "Classical questions in Diophantine Geometry and their relation to Algebraic Dynamical Systems on the Riemann Sphere"
9th March 2006: Omer Offen (Weizmann), "Spherical functions and some applications in Automorphic Forms"
16th March 2006: Jozsef Beck (Rutgers), First of 2006 ERDOS LECTURES , "Tic-Tac-Toe theory -- an escape from the combinatorial chaos"
23rd March 2006: Victor Vinnikov (BGU), "Convexity vs Linear Matrix Inequalities: Commutative and Noncommutative Settings"
30th March 2006: Leonid Polterovich (TA), "Quasi-morphisms and quasi-states in symplectic topology"
6th April 2006: J. Avron (Physics, Technion), "The geometry of micro-swimming"
13th April 2006: PESACH
20th April 2006: PESACH BREAK
27th April 2006: Yoram Last (HU), "A New Proof of Poltoratskii's Theorem"
4th May 2006: Aner Shalev (HU), "A non-commutative Waring type theorem"
11th May 2006: Jean Bourgain (IAS), LANDAU LECTURE , "The sum-product phenomenon and applications"
18th May 2006: Igor Rivin (Temple University), "Geometry of Polyhedra"
25th May 2006: Yom Yerushalyim, IMU Meeting
1st June 2006: EREV SHAVUOT
8th June 2006: Eknath Ghate (Tata Institute), "On the Local Behaviour of Ordinary Galois Representations"
15th June 2006: Manfred Einsiedler (Ohio State), "Higher rank Cartan actions, invariant measures and compact orbits"
22nd June 2006: Luis Caffarelli (Austin), "Singular perturbation problems for particle systems and population dynamics"
29th June 2006: Barry Simon (CalTech), "Gems of spectral theory"