How to display PostScript (=PS) files

In order to display PS files, you have to do two things:

1. Download and install the appropriate software (GhostScript and GhostView)

2. Make the internet browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) use this software for displaying the files.

This document assumes you have an interenet browser installed - Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Obtaining the software and installing it on Windows 95/98/NT

Click here in order to download the file gs601w32.exe which will be used for installing GhostScript on your computer.

The file will be downloaded and you will be asked by the computer where you would like to place the file.
Put it in a temporary directory.

Click here in order to download the file gsv31w32.exe which will be used for installing GhostView on your computer.

The file will be downloaded and you will be asked by the computer where you would like to place the file.
Put it in the same temporary directory as before.

As an alternative (in case the link to abroad does not work) you can download the same two programs from the Hebrew University archive.

To do that, Click here in order to download the file gs601w32.exe
Then Click here in order to download the file gsv31w32.exe

After you have the two (big) files in a temporary directory, activate (=double click) the file gs601w32.exe.
This will install GhostScript on your computer.

Then activate (=double click) the file gsv31w32.exe.
This will install GhostView on your computer.


After you installed the two programs, you can simply double click any PostScript file (that is, a file whose name has the extension .ps or .eps) GhostView will automatically open and display the file and will also give you many options for handling the file, including the possibility to print it on a PostScript printer.

Documentation explaining the two programs, namely GhostScript and GhostView, is included within the installation. You will have many documents on your disk, explaining the programs GhostScript and GhostView.

Documents explaining GhostScript will be found within \aladdin\gs6.01\doc -- click on Readme.htm

Documents explaining GhostView will be found within within \ghostgum\gsview -- click on Readme.htm within this directory.

However, you can simply go on and use the programs by double clicking on any PS file.

Make the internet browser display PS files

Once GhostView (and GhostScript) is installed, you can instruct the internet browser to display downloaded PS files using GhostView, instead of saving them.

Netscape (4 and above)

Within Netscape (version 4 or above), click on Edit --> Preferences --> Applications (Note - Application is a submenu of Navigator).
You will get a windows called "Preferences", containing a list of file types' descriptions.
The list is arranged alphabetically; look for "Postscript Document". If such a description exists, make sure that the "File type details" which appear on the lower part of the "Preferences" windows contain the file extensions EPS and PS, and that files having those extensions will be handled by GSVIEW32.EXE .
If the details are different, use the button "Edit" in order to change them.

If the file description "Postscript Document" does not appear in the list, use the button "New" in order to create it with the relevant details. After you set the right details, click "OK".

Internet Explorer (version 5 and above)

The explorer comes ready to display PostScript files via GSVIEW32.EXE .