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It is a pleasure to acknowledge the great help by Danny Braniss and by Leo Novik in programming. Brendan McKay supplied some raw data which was very helpful. I would like to thank also Maya Bar Hillel, Dror Bar-Natan, Ron Livné, Brendan McKay and Ilya Rips for helpful discussions on the statistical part of this work and many others who helped me greatly in presenting my ideas. Finally, I would like to mention the early work of Nahman Givoli who pioneered the critical study of the ELS activity.


[1] M. Bar Hillel, D. Bar-Natan and B. McKay, several works in progress.

[2] D. Witztum, E. Rips and Y. Rosenberg, On Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, Statistical Science, 9 (1994), 429-438.

[3] D. Witztum, E. Rips and Y. Rosenberg, On Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, preprint, 1987.

[4] S. Wilks, Mathematical Statistics, Wiley, New-York, 1962.

Gil Kalai