Ehud Hrushovski
Institute of Mathematics
Hebrew University (Giv'at Ram)
Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Department Fax (972)2-5630702.
Office: 104 Einstein; phone (972)2-6586354
The Mathematical Logic Seminar
takes place Wednesdays at 14:30, room 209. Please write Elad Levi (elad.levi4 at mail . huji . ac . il if you wish to be on the mailing list.
ehud AT
Preprints posted on ArXiv
List of papers (thanks to Moshe)
The Elementary Theory of the Frobenius Automorphism
Metastable groups
Imaginaries and definable types in algebraically closed valued fields (edited class notes.)
Notes on $(K,r)$-approximate subgroups.
Some classes.
Geometry - Spring 2006
Math History - Spring 2005
Model Theory of Berkovich Spaces - Fall 2009
Finite model theory - Fall 2010
Seminar on metric and measurable limits in model theory, Spring 2011
Class on approximate subgroups; Spring 2012; notes on Hilbert 5 and BGT.
We also covered
Approximate equivalence relations.
Introduction to the model theory of global fields - Spring 2013.
Model theory 1 (80446) - room 110, Tuesdays 16-17:45. - Fall 2013.
Model theory and algebraic geometry(function fields), Spring 2015
Some talks.
Valuation Theory, El Escorial 2011
UCLA 2014
Macintyre meeting, Edinburgh 2014
GTM, December 2015