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Annual Lecture Series in Topology and Geometry
in memory of
Prof. Alexander Zabrodsky

The Institute of Mathematics invites you to this year's Annual Lecture Series in Topology and Geometry in memory of Prof. Alexander Zabrodsky:

To what extent are Lie groupoids like Lie groups?

Prof. Ieke Moerdijk (Utrecht University, Holland)

On Thursday, November 25th 2010, at 16:00, Lecture Hall 2
Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Edmond Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Jerusalem
A gathering in memory of Prof. Alexander Zabrodsky will precede the lecture at 15:30.

Two more lectures will be given by Prof. Ieke Moerdijk as follows:
  1. Monday, November 22th, at the Center for the Study of Rationality, Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building Givat Ram, from 14:00 15:30.
    Title: Coloured operads and the Boardman-Vogt resolution

  2. Tuesday, November 23th, Room 207, Math Building, from 16:00 -17:30
    Title: Dendroidal sets and infinity operads

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Comments to: Naavah Levin, email: naavah at
Design, construction & editing: Naavah Levin
Background image © copyright 1997 by Xah Lee, used with permission.
Last updated: Nov. 16th, 2010