Robert J. Aumann
February 2022


Date of Birth: June 8, 1930.
Personal Status: Married, 5 children, 21 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren.


1950: B.S., Mathematics, City College of New York.

1952: S.M., Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

1955: Ph.D., Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Academic Appointments

Since 1956: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mathematics Department.
1956: Instructor; 1958: Lecturer; 1961: Senior Lecturer; 1964: Associate Professor; 1968: Professor; 2000: Emeritus.

1960-1961: Research Associate, Princeton University, Econometric Research Program.

1964-1965: Visiting Professor, Department of Statistics and Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University.

1969-1993: Outside Teacher (part time), Statistics Department, Tel Aviv University.

1971, 1985-1986: Ford Visiting Research Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley.

1972, 1978, 1984: Visiting Professor, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Université Catholique de Louvain.

1975-1976, 1980-1981: Visiting Professor of Economics, Stanford University.

1979-1980: Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University.

1984: Member, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota.

1985-1986: Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.

1986-1989, 1991-2013: Professor (part time), Center for Game Theory and Department of Economics, Stony Brook University.

1989: Visiting Scholar, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University.

Since 1991: Member, Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University.

1997: Oskar Morgenstern Visiting Professor of Economics, New York University.

1999-2000: Nemmers Professor of Economics, Northwestern University.

Academy Affiliations, Prizes, Honorary Doctorates

Since 1974: Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Since 1985: Member, National Academy of Sciences (USA).
Since 1989: Member, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Since 1995: Corresponding Fellow, British Academy.

Since 2011: Corresponding Member, Royal Academy of Financial Science and Economics (Spain).

Since 2020: Member, Academia Europaea.

1983: Harvey Prize in Science and Technology (awarded by the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology).

1994: Israel Prize in Economics.

1995: Lanchester Prize in Operations Research.

1998: Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics (awarded by Northwestern University).

2002: EMET Prize in Economics (awarded by the Prime Minister of Israel).

2005: Von Neumann Prize in Operations Research Theory.

2005: Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

1988: Honorary Doctorate, University of Bonn.

1989: Honorary Doctorate, Universite Catholique de Louvain.

1992: Honorary Doctorate, University of Chicago.

2006: Honorary Doctorate, City University of New York.

2006: Honorary Doctorate, Bar Ilan University.

2015: Honorary Doctorate, Ben Gurion University.

2021: Honorary Doctorate, University of Paris II (Pantheon-Assas)

Society Offices

Since 1966: Fellow, Econometric Society.

1977-1982: Council, Econometric Society.

1982-1985: Executive Committee, Econometric Society.

1990-1992: President, Israel Mathematics Union.

Since 1993: Honorary Member, American Economic Association.

1998-2003: President, Game Theory Society.

Major Invited Addresses at Large International Congresses

1970: "A Survey of Economies with a Continuum of Agents," Second World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge.

1972: "Values of Markets with a Continuum of Traders," Walras-Bowley Lecture at the Winter meeting of the Econometric Society, Toronto.

1978: "Recent Developments in the Theory of the Shapley Value," International Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki.

1980: "Repeated Games," Fourth World Congress of the Econometric Society, Aix-en-Provence.

1991: "Some Thoughts on the Foundations of Game Theory," Ninth International Congress on Logic, Philosophy, and Methodology of the Sciences, Uppsala.

1995: "Old and New Results on Dynamic Games," Fourteenth European Conference on Operational Research, Jerusalem.

1995: "Cooperation between Game-Playing Machines," IJCAI-95 (Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence), Montreal.

1996: "Some Applications of Game Theory in the Real World," Fourteenth Latin American Congress of the Econometric Society, Rio de Janeiro.

1999: "Empirical Game Theory: Polls, Experiments, and Reality," Keynote Plenary Lecture, Seventeenth Latin American Congress of the Econometric Society, Cancun.

2000: Presidential Address, First World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Bilbao.

2016: "Why Optimize? An Evolutionary Perspective," Keynote Plenary Lecture, EURO 16, European Congress on Operational Research, Poznan.

Endowed Lectures

1986: "Cooperation, Rationality, and Bounded Rationality," Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lecture, Northwestern University.

1988: "Analysis of a Passage from the Babylonian Talmud in the Light of Game Theory," Elisha Pazner Memorial Lecture, Tel Aviv University.

1990: "Building Trust," David Kinley Memorial Lecture, University of Illinois.

1992: "Consistency," Alfredo Pareto Lecture, Annual meeting of ASSET (Southern European Economic Association), Toulouse.

1992: "Rationality, Knowledge, and Equilibrium," German Bernacer Memorial Lectures, University of Alicante.

1993: " 'As If' Reasoning in Economics and Game Theory," Lionel McKenzie Lecture, University of Rochester.

1994: "Strategic Equilibrium and Population Equilibrium," Kenneth Arrow Lectures, Stanford University.

1998: "Game Theory in the Talmud," Chaim Leib Pekeris Memorial Lecture, Weizmann Institute of Science.

2002: "Rule Rationality versus Act Rationality," Political Economy Lecture Series, Harvard University.

2003: "Rule Rationality versus Act Rationality," Elisha Pazner Memorial Lecture, Tel Aviv University.

Organization of Conferences

1965: Organized (together with M. Maschler) the First International Workshop in Game Theory, Jerusalem.

1975: Organized First Belgian-Israeli Conference in Mathematical Economics and Game Theory, Jerusalem.

1979-1980: Organized Emphasis Year in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics, Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem.


E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington

Mathematica, Inc., Princeton

U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Washington

The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica

Everyman's University, Tel Aviv

Supervision of Doctoral Theses

B. Peleg (Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, The Hebrew University; Deceased)

D. Schmeidler (Professor Emeritus of Economics and Statistics, Tel Aviv University)

S. Zamir (Professor Emeritus of Statistics, The Hebrew University)

B. Shitovitz (Professor of Economics, University of Haifa)

Z. Artstein (Professor of Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute)

E. Kohlberg (Professor, Harvard Business School)

S. Hart (Professor of Mathematics and Economics, The Hebrew University)

E. Wesley (U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency)

A. Neyman (Professor of Mathematics, The Hebrew University)

Y. Tauman (Professor, Tel Aviv University School of Business)

D. Samet (Professor, Tel Aviv University School of Business)

E. Lehrer (Professor of Statistics, Tel Aviv University)

Y. Feinberg (Professor, Stanford Business School)

I. Arieli (Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, The Technion, Haifa)

U. Weiss

Y. Zohar (Lecturer, Western Galilee College; Research Fellow, Bar Ilan University)


Since 1971: Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Game Theory.

Since 1974: Member Advisory Board, Journal of Mathematical Economics.

1974-1979: Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Theory.

1975-1978: Associate Editor, Econometrica.

1975-1979: Area Editor for Game Theory, Mathematics of Operations Research.

Since 1979: Member Advisory Board, Mathematics of Operations Research.

1976-1980: Member Editorial Board, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics.

Since 1989: Member Editorial Board, Games and Economic Behavior.

2000-2015: Associate Editor, Journal of the European Mathematical Society.

Summer Positions

1956: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey.

1957-1958: U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.

1962: Princeton University, Econometric Research Program.

1963, 1968: The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California.

1964: The University of California at Berkeley, Economics Department.

1971-1993, 1998-2000: Stanford University, Economics Department.


1966-1968: Chairman of the Institute of Mathematics at the Hebrew University.