List of Publications supported by the Landau Center for research in
Mathematical Analysis and Related Areas
1 October 1995 -- 30 September 1996
- S.R. Foguel: Makov Operators.
- L. Karmer: Holomorphic polygons.
- L. Karmer, K. Tent: Algebraic polygons.
- B.I. Plotkin: Algebraic logic, varieties of algebras and algebraic
- B.I. Plotkin: Algebra, categories and databases.
- L. Karmer, K. Tent, H.V. Maldeghem: Simple groups for finite Morley
rank and Tits-buildings.
- B. Rubin, D. Ryabogin and E. Shamir: Wavelet type representions in
fractional calculus.
- Y. Shalom: Invariant measures for algebraic actions, Zariski dense
subgroups and Kazhdan's property T.
- H.M. Farkas: A variation on a theorem of Euler.
- S. Agmon: A perturbation theory of resonances.
- B. Rubin: The Calderon reproducing formula, windowed X-ray
transforms and Radon transforms in Lp-spaces.
- B. Rubin: Wavelet type representations of Riesz fractional
- B. Rubin: Inversion and characterization of Radon transforms via
continuous wavelet transforms.
- B. Rubin: Inversion pf k-plane transforms via continuous
wavelet transforms.
- E.Z. Goren: A note on vanishing properties of certain theta
constants of genus two.
- J. Rogawsky: On twists of cuspidal representations of
- E.Z. Goren: On certain reduction problems concerning Abelian
surfaces. Manuscripta Math. 94 (1997), 33--43.